The Reason Behind All the Chocolate Magic
As a chocolate girl, when I was little I was picked on about the darkness of my skin, like it was an abnormality. In time, I learned that society has put into the minds of our Nubian queens THEIR definition of about "real beauty", shedding no light on the beautiful girls that are a little more darker than fair and have a little more curls. Most commercials, tv shows and movies associate beauty with light hair, light skin and light-colored eyes. This can have a profound effect on ones self-esteem, as a dark-skin girl. Today, many of Two & Fro's designs consist of beautiful black women; mainly dark skin women. And as the CEO of Two & Fro, I make sure that my designs depict women of all shades; especially those like my own. I want all girls; especially those of a darker hue, to know that you're beautiful, strong, and intelligent and your beauty isn't dictated by the world around you!